St.Joseph College of Engineering
Upcoming/Live Program : * Department of ECE Organize (ATAL Academy Sponsored) six days FDP on SMART COMMUNICATION IN IOT : SECURITY & FUTURE APPLICATIONS AND POSSIBILITIES" as on 24.02.2025 to 01.03.2025 |* The Department of Management Studies Organized “ICABAAIMC - 2025” One-Day International Conference on "The Advancement of Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Management Concepts" |* The Department of Physics and Chemistry Organizes 7-day International Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ‘Recent Developments and Applications in Advanced Materials "
For B.E/B.Tech

Candidates are selected on the basis of their performance in the HSC (+2) examination conducted by the state and through counselling (TNEA) conducted by Anna university Chennai, selected candidates are allotted to various colleges for admission. Candidates may also appear directly for admission to the College under Management Quota. Admission forms may be obtained from the college office.


+ 2 or equivalent, as per norms and guidelines of the Government of Tamil Nadu/Anna University and AICTE for UG courses.

For M.E / MBA

Candidates for the admission to the first semester of the Master’s Degree Programme shall be required to have passed an appropriate U.G degree examination of Anna University or any other examination of any University or authority accepted by the Syndicate of Anna University as equivalent there to.

Candidates are selected on the basis of their performance in the common entrance examination (TANCET) conducted by the state and selected candidates are allotted to various colleges for admission. Details regarding the entrance examination are published in the newspapers well in advance every year. Candidates may also appear directly for admission to the College under Management Quota. Appearing for entrance examination for these seats is a must and this entrance examination is conducted by the college on its campus. Admission forms may be obtained from the Admission office.


As per norms and guidelines of the Government of Tamil Nadu/Anna University and AICTE for PG courses.