St.Joseph College of Engineering
Upcoming Program :|* The Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organises " HACKATHON 2K25" as on 23.05.2025 |* The Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organises 'PROJECTEXPO'2K25 as on 21.04.2025|
Live Program :|*The Department of Management Studies organises workshop on "Data Analysis and Business Modeling" |* The Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organises 20 Days course on "Cyber Security,Data Analytics and Aritificial Intelligence"
Grievances Redressal Committee


1. To provide a support system for students to address their complaints.
2. To take proactive steps to address student grievances.
3. Analyze student complaints and representations and take appropriate redressal action with the appropriate authorities.
4. Receiving suggestions for improvement from students on a regular basis


1. Departmental grievances are handled by the mentors, class coordinators, and department heads on the spot.
2. Unresolved grievances at the departmental level are referred to the institution's Grievance Redressal Cell.

To address the grievances of the students, parents and others, as per All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) regulations, 2012 under clause 1 of section 23 of the AICTE Act, 1987 regarding the establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal in Technical Institutions, Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) is formed in the college. The objective of GRC is to develop a harmonious educational environment in the institute.

Composition and Tenure of the Committee

1. The committee shall comprise of a Chairperson, Convener and two other senior teaching faculty members.
2. Members of the committee shall be nominated by the chairperson for tenure of two years.
3. A representative from among the students of the college to be nominated by the chairperson as special invitee.

Grievances may be related to any of the following matters:

1. Academic Matters – Issues related to assessment, attendance, marks, and other examination related matters etc.
2. Financial Matter – Issues related to charging of fees, scholarships and payments.
3. Administration Matters – Issues related to infrastructure, basic amenities,sanitation, transport or victimization.
4. Harassment and Ragging by colleague students or teachers etc.

Grievance receiving mechanisms

Anyone with a genuine grievance may lodge their complaint to GRC along with necessary documents, if any. The grievance shall be reported by using any of the following modes:
1. Report submission in person by approaching the chairman of the Committee.
2. Online at the website: http//
3. Through e-mail to
4. Writing to “The Chairman, Grievance Redressal Committee, SJCE

Grievance Redressal mechanism

1. After the receipt of the application from the aggrieved, the chairman of GRC shall fix the date, time and venue of the meeting after having adiscussion with the members.
2. The meeting shall be scheduled within ten days of receipt of theapplication.
3. All relevant papers shall be circulated as hard / soft copy to all the members on or before the date of the meeting.
4. After fixing of the date of the meeting, a hard copy of the notice must besent to the applicant to be present in the meeting and convey his or her grievances before the Committee and the acknowledgement of receipt would be placed on record.
5. In case of a minor student (applicant), the student may be accompanied by his or her natural / legal guardian (either father or mother). No otherperson shall be allowed to the meeting.
6. The Committee members are expected to deliberate upon the case, the grievance of the applicant and the rules laid down by the institute. The brief facts, evidences and final recommendations by the Committeemembers shall be recorded in the format of minutes of the meeting.
7. The minutes shall be circulated to all the members of the Grievance Committee for their signatures.
8. The decision of the Grievance Committee shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the earliest.


1. The applicant shall have the right to file an appeal to the Ombudsperson within 15 days from the date of the written communication of recommendations of the committee.
2. The applicant shall send written communication to the college conveyinghis desire to file an appeal to the Ombudsperson. The college shall place the appeal along with all relevant material before the Ombudsperson and inform the applicant accordingly. The Ombudsperson shall within a reasonable time decide the appeal. Final decision would be communicated to the applicant by the college.

Organization wide awareness

Awareness among stakeholders is created by

1. Organizing awareness programs
2. Displaying the grievance registration mechanism on

  • Web site
  • Digital sign boards
  • Posters in prominent places of the campus
  • Committee Members

    S.NO Name Position Designation
    1Dr. Ahilan TChairman Principal
    2Dr. Navaneetha Krishnan MMember Head of the Department/ (CSE)
    3Dr. ChinnaiahMember Professor/ (ECE)
    4Dr. Gnana Sundara Jeyaraja BMember Professor/ (MECH)
    5Fr. R. Antony Jerold Member Official of NGO/ Correspondent