St.Joseph College of Engineering
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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)


To bring former students of the ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING under one forum for the dissemination and exchange experience, knowledge and talent amongst the students of the college for the furtherance in advancement of scientific knowledgAn Internal Quality Assurance Cell that is fully operational at St. Joseph College of Engineering works continuously to improve the sustainability of the Institute's excellent workand offer high-quality education. In terms of performance evaluation, assessment, accreditation, and quality improvement of institutes' higher education, NAAC proposes the creation of IQAC. As a result of this action plan, the SJCE's IQAC has grown to be an essential component ofthe organization's work system and serves as a catalyst for raising the institution's overall performance.St. Joseph College of Engineering complies with NAAC-recommended policies and norms.


The primary aim of IQAC is : To guarantee high-quality education by means of innovative and quality-improving initiatives for comprehensive institutional development.


The SJCE's Internal Quality Assurance Cell aims to:
1. Createanenvironmentforlearningthatisoutcome-basedandincorporatesahuman values-based approach.
2. Encourage high standards for training courses and research projects.
3. Encourage collaboration with different higher education stakeholders for the assessment and maintenance of quality.
4. Establish a space that is suitable for the process of teaching and learning.
5. Promote accountability and self-evaluation.


Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are :
1. Creation and distribution of quality standards and guidelines for the institution's many academic and extracurricular endeavors.
2. Encouraging the faculty to implement cutting-edge teaching and learning strategies that support high-quality education and supporting the development of a learner-centric environment.
3. To get input from parents, teachers, and other interested parties in order to keep institutional activities of a high caliber.
4. Arranging workshops and seminars on a national and worldwide scale as part of initiatives for quality improvement to advance the institution's internal standards.
5. Documentation of the many programs and activities that are coordinated in order to track the process of improvement.
6. Utilizing a management information system to create and maintain an institutional database with the goal of upholding or improving organizational standards.
7. Establishment of the institution's quality culture.
8. Preparing the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR), which is to be submitted to NAAC, in accordance with the rules and specifications set forth by NAAC.

Operational Features of the IQAC

A byproduct of continuous efforts to establish an institution's goals, create a plan of action to reach those goals, and outline the checks and balances to assess how well each activity is complete disquality assurance. Hence,the foundation for developing processes and tools for ensuring quality is dedication and commitment to improvement rather than merely institutional control. An organization must find the ideal balance between expansion and well-being. Whatever is done in the institution for "education" must be done so with high standards, effectiveness, and efficiency, and the IQAC must make sure of this.

To accomplish this, the IQAC must first set up protocols and methods for gathering data and information on numerous facets of institutional operations. An important part of carrying out these responsibilities will fall to the IQAC coordinator. The units and systems that already exist and support the aforementioned functions may provide a significant amount of support for the IQAC.

Institutions can customize the wide-ranging operational features and functions that have been covered thus far to meet their unique demands while still assisting them in achieving academic success. Institutions are required to affirmatively submit their Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) to NAAC by the end of September each year.To be eligible for accreditation in the second, third, or later cycle, an institution must meet the Minimum Institutional Requirements (MIR) of having a functioning Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of An Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR). The NAAC peer teams will engage with the IQACs during the institutional visit to learn about their functioning, progress, and quality sustenance activities.

One component of the annual report could be the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR). The HEIs' statutory bodies, such as the Syndicate, Governing Council, Executive Council, and Board of Management, must approve the AQAR before any follow-up actions for required quality enhancement measures can be taken. TheIQACmaydesignateaspecialwindow tab on its institutional website for the purpose of hosting the AQAR, uploading and reporting on its operations on a regular basis, and storing thefilesandrecordsoftheNAAC,PeerTeamReports,AQAR, and Certificate of Accreditation Outcomes.

The role of the coordinator

The coordinator of the IQAC plays a critical role in guaranteeing that each member operates as effectively as possible. The coordinator of IQAC is responsible for the following functions and responsibilities:
1. Toorganizethedistributionofdataaboutseveralhighereducationquality metrics.
2. Toarrangefortherecordingofthenumerousinitiativesandactivitiesthatenhance quality.
3. To organize the institution's quality-related initiatives.
4. ToprovideforthepromptandeffectiveimplementationoftheIQACcommittee's decisions.

Executive Members

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established at SJCE on 12thDecember, 2022 and now the IQAC has constituted the following members .

S.NO Name Designation
1Dr.T.Ahilan Chairperson
2 Dr.P.Arokiya Prasad Coordinator
3 Ms.Ruby Roslin Faculty Representative
4 Dr. Tamilanban Faculty Representative
5 Mr.Premkumar Faculty Representative
6 Ms.Pavithra Faculty Representative
7 Ms.Sureka Faculty Representative
8 Ms.Vincy Sahana Faculty Representative
9 Ms.Anitha Faculty Representative
10 Ms.Jayasri Faculty Representative
11 Rev.Fr.Arul Regan Member from the Management
12Rev.Fr.L.Savariappan SeniorAdministrative officers
13Mr.MJL.Krishnan Nominee from local society
14Mr.Kumaran Nominee from Students
10 Mr.B.VinothKumarNominee from Alumni
11 Mr.Sutheesh Nominee from Employers
12 Mr.K.Arunkumar. Nominee from Industrialists
13 Mr.P.AgnelMani Nominee from Stakeholders
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