St.Joseph College of Engineering
Upcoming/Live Program : * Department of ECE Organize (ATAL Academy Sponsored) six days FDP on SMART COMMUNICATION IN IOT : SECURITY & FUTURE APPLICATIONS AND POSSIBILITIES" as on 24.02.2025 to 01.03.2025 |* The Department of Management Studies Organized “ICABAAIMC - 2025” One-Day International Conference on "The Advancement of Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Management Concepts" |* The Department of Physics and Chemistry Organizes 7-day International Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ‘Recent Developments and Applications in Advanced Materials "
Science and Humanities

Welcome to Science and Humanities

The Department of Science & Humanities caters to the needs of engineering aspirants in enhancing their knowledge and expertise for the betterment of their own life and of the nation. The Department of Science and Humanities comprises of four branches of study namely English, Mathematics Physics and Chemistry. All these four disciplines exist as separate departments and maintain individual identity. Well-experienced and highly qualified faculty members are there who have made consistent strenuous efforts to improve our Teaching-Learning and Research & Development processes.

Vision & Mission


To attain excellence pedagogy in the areas of humanities and basic sciences to face the emerging global challenges efficiently and to make the students expert professionals in their fields.


Encourage the students to know the practical applications of concepts through experience and participation. Develop students ability to converse rationally , and inventively in ways that are appropriate across the disciplines. To endeavor to excel in knowledge and human resource capacity building in science without sacrificing quality and quantity. To provide students with soft skills and behavioral training programs in order to develop their overall personality and social consciousness.


The Department of Science and Humanities is one of the most successful and inter disciplinary Departments. It is housed in a separate building with excellent classrooms, laboratories, workshop facilities and a conference hall which has excellent acoustics which can accommodate 300 people. The Department provides an in-depth knowledge on a wide range of subjects namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Graphics, Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and English. It inculcates in each student, a mastery of the fundamentals to enhance the capacity and analytical thought of an individual with a motivation for learning and intellectual discipline. The Main objective of the department is to enrich the knowledge of the students and understand the basic concepts of fundamental Mathematics, science, and language that enable them to improve their applicative skills in Engineering profession.
workshops are well equipped to conduct the Electrical and Electronics Engineering experiments in addition to regular c arpentry, welding, fitting and foundry, etc. The department has an excellent state-of-the-art computer laboratory with the updated versions of software and hardware exclusively for the first year students.



Student Publications