St.Joseph College of Engineering
Upcoming/Live Program : * Department of ECE Organize (ATAL Academy Sponsored) six days FDP on SMART COMMUNICATION IN IOT : SECURITY & FUTURE APPLICATIONS AND POSSIBILITIES" as on 24.02.2025 to 01.03.2025 |* The Department of Management Studies Organized “ICABAAIMC - 2025” One-Day International Conference on "The Advancement of Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Management Concepts" |* The Department of Physics and Chemistry Organizes 7-day International Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ‘Recent Developments and Applications in Advanced Materials "
Alumni Cell


To bring former students of the ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING under one forum for the dissemination and exchange experience, knowledge and talent amongst the students of the college for the furtherance in advancement of scientific knowledge.

Mr.R.Dinesh kumar M.E.,
Alumni Cell Co-ordinator

Alumni Association Registration Certficate

Executive Members

S.NO Name Designation
1Mr.G.Balaji President
2 Mr. Rodger Augustine Daniel Vice-President
3 Mr. Ajay Daniel Secretary
4 Mr.S. Roban Jony Joint Secretary
5 Mrs.J.P.Aswini Treasurer
6 Mr.L. Mohammed Zainudeen Member
7 Mr.B.Vinoth Kumar Member
8 Ms. C.A Queen Mercy Member
9 Ms.M. Anitha Member
10 Ms.B.V.Saranya Devi Member
11 Mr.B.Gowri Shankar Member
12 Ms.Puah Member

Alumni Reunion 2K23
